Maternity Clinics in Our Community

Provided below is a list of maternity clinics in the Fraser Northwest communities (New Westminster and Tri-Cities).

To find information about maternity care providers in other cities, use the Pathways Medical Care Directory website here.

You don’t need to live in one of these specific communities to access these services.

All deliveries occur at the Royal Columbian Hospital


Family Physician Maternity Clinics

Your regular Family Doctor will provide care for your pregnancy or he/she may transition a maternity clinic for the duration of your pregnancy. There are 2 maternity clinics in the New Westminster and Tri-Cities region:

+ Primary Care Obstetrical Clinic

Family Doctor referral required
This is a group of family doctors that are passionate about obstetrics and run a referral-based prenatal clinic. We provide maternity care to expectant moms including prenatal care, deliveries and post-partum care for six weeks. All deliveries are performed at the Royal Columbian Hospital. Physicians in this clinic work closely with the perinatal team at RCH to provide comprehensive prenatal and intrapartum care to our patients. A referral is required and we prefer this as early as possible in pregnancy.

For more information:
Phone: 604-520-6263
Address: 211 – 301 East Columbia Street, New Westminster

+ Port Moody Maternity Clinic

Family Doctor referral required
Family physicians who provide maternity care and deliveries for their patients. All deliveries are performed at Royal Colombian Hospital. Physicians work together with the other members of the perinatal team at RCH. Both clinics require a referral and prefer referrals sent as early as possible in pregnancy.

For more information:
Phone: 604-949-7248
Address: 200 – 205 Newport Drive, Port Moody


Midwifery Clinics

+ Aveta Midwifery

Aveta Midwifery is currently the home to three midwives. Aveta Midwifery provides comprehensive maternity care to pregnant individuals and their families. Their years of experience and calm, confident, personalized approach help make the journey into parenthood a positive and transformative one.

For more information and to book an appointment:

Phone: 604-553-1750
Address: #307 223 Nelson’s Crescent, New Westminster

+ Greenway Midwifery

Greenway Midwifery provides primary maternity care to healthy women, inclusive of prenatal, labour, delivery and postpartum care; informed choice; home or hospital births; and consults as needed.

For more information and to book an appointment:

Phone: 604-330-6802
Address: #300-2232 McAllister Avenue, Port Coquitlam

+ Inlet Community Birth Program

We are a collaborative, interdisciplinary maternity care program for the community north of the Fraser (Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Moody, Port Coquitlam, Pitt Meadows, and others who plan to give birth at Royal Columbian Hospital). We provide prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care to clients and their newborns from early pregnancy through to approximately six weeks postpartum. We also provide Connecting Pregnancy prenatal groups, home postpartum visits, and lactation support drop-in sessions.

For more information and to book an appointment:

Phone: 778-355-9596
Address: #306 – 2502 St. Johns Street, Port Moody

+ New Horizon Midwifery

Provides primary care to pregnant women who have low-risk pregnancies, those who are in labor and we even assist with the birth. We also offer care to mother and baby after childbirth for six weeks. We are here for our clients 24/7.

For more information and to book an appointment:

Phone: (604) 464-5520
Address: 204-3025 Anson ave. Coquitlam

+ New West Community Midwives

Everyone is welcome in our practice! We are proud to provide non-discriminatory consent based maternity care to all individuals and their chosen families, including LGBTQI2S individuals, immigrant or refugees individuals, single parents, young people, and those who are creating family through surrogacy or adoption. We welcome all cultures and languages, and will work with your team should you require translation assistance.

New West Community Midwives welcomes clients from New Westminster, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Moody, Port-Coquitlam. New clients, returning clients, and referrals are warmly welcomed.

For more information and to book an appointment:

Phone: 778-397-0730
Address: #103 - 237 East Columbia St, New Westminster

+ Tri-City Midwives

Tri-City Midwives provides care for families in the Tri-Cities who are planning to deliver at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster or at home in the Tri-Cities. This includes regular prenatal appointments, care throughout your labour, delivery of your baby, and postpartum care for you and your baby up to 6 weeks postpartum.

For more information and to book an appointment:

Phone: 604-936-7779
Address: 204-1024 Ridgeway Ave. Coquitlam, BC


Maternity Care Providers


Infant & Pregnancy Vaccinations