Maternity Care Providers

To find information about maternity care providers in other cities, use the Pathways Medical Care Directory website here.


All deliveries occur at Royal Columbian Hospital

330 E Columbia St, New Westminster, BC V3L 3W7

Please see this link to view the updated RCH maternity unit virtual tour.

Please see this website for virtual tours in other languages and what to pack for the hospital.

Note: the Eagle Ridge Hospital does not do deliveries.  

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Family Physician

Your regular Family Doctor will provide care for your pregnancy or he/she may transition you to a maternity care provider at Port Moody Maternity Clinic, the Primary Care Obstetrical Clinic, or a Registered Midwife. The Port Moody Maternity Clinic and Primary Care Obstetrical Clinic are two groups of family doctors who provide full term maternity care. After delivery, your care transfers back to your family doctor.

If you do not have a family doctor and live in New Westminster or the Tri-Cities, please click below and our team will help you find one.


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Provides care for healthy pregnancies from early pregnancy onwards, and up to six weeks after you have given birth. You don’t need a referral. You can find a midwife here.

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Obstetrician (OB)

A physician referral is required to see an OB. Your primary maternity care provider will sometimes refer you to an OB so the care is shared between providers in certain situations. OBs are doctors with special education and training in the medical management of pregnancy, labour, and birth. They provide care for high-risk pregnancies. OBs do not accept referrals directly from patients.


Maternity Clinics